Catholic priest enjoins believers to refrain from jealousy, over-ambition.


Catholic priest enjoins believers to refrain from jealousy, over-ambition.

From Daniel Mtindiga

The Chaplain of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Chaplaincy Taraba State University,Jalingo and Vicar General Administration, Catholic Diocese of Jalingo, Very Reverend Fr Dr. Williams Aworshiri has called on christians/believers to refrain from jealousy and over ambitious desires and embrace one another with the love of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Aworshiri made the call while delivering his homily at St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Chaplaincy, TSUJ today. He noted that, ambition in itself is not evil adding that to be ambitious is to desire to become great.

He said, “ambition in itself is not evil. To be ambitious is to desire to become great. Ambition is a necessary ingredient for human growth and development.

“Where the issue lies is what we define it to be and the process through which we hope to achieve greatness.”

He emphasized that while focusing on human ambition, christians should not condemn it in it’s totality expects when it becomes a source of strife.

He maintained that, there are obstacles to growth which one who is determined must overcome stressing that once people see their neighbors as obstacles to their growths then, there is problem either with them or the process through which they outline to achieve the set goal.

“When focusing on human ambition, do not condemn it in its entirety but when our ambitions become a source of strike between us and others then, we have missed the point.

“There are obstacles to growth which one who is determined must overcome but once you start perceiving your neighbor as the obstacle to your growth then, something is wrong either with yourself or the process you have outlined in achieving the set goal, ” he mentioned

He reiterated that God only approves for an ambition that allows for cooperation and not competition citing how St. James in his letter, strongly condemned jealousy and ambition stating that where jealousy and selfish ambitions exist, there will be disorder and vile practices.

The priest however posited that, parts of the problems bedeviling Nigeria today are selfish ambitions and jealousy buttressing that, many people have shedded human blood in the quest to attain their political, economy or even religious ambitions.

“What we are looking for is not by force or by killing others but rather, constant prayers and hardwork. Inordinate ambitions which lead to strife is as fruitless as anything. If you ride on people to acquire growth, you will always want to ride on them to keep growing. The fact that Jesus’ disciples not been able to arrive at who is the greatest among them shows the futility of inordinate ambitions,” he stated.

He further enjoined believers to seek wisdom from above as instructed by St. James adding that, the wisdom from above comes with compassion, peace and purity but the one from beneath comes with hatred, jealousy and selfish ambitions which leads to wickedness and vindictiveness. He noted that, wisdom is a gift from God to mankind.

“Wisdom is God’s gift to mankind but it is sad how some of us use our wisdom . Instead of using it to work for God and our neighbors, we rather resort to using it to work against God and humanity, “he lamented.

He finally admonished worshipers to see the purpose of every ambition as sacrifice and service adding that, if all would subject their ambitions to the scrutiny of sacrifice and service, they would come up with something pure and noble.

The readings for the Mass were drown from the book of Wisdom chapter (2:12.17-20), Psalm 54:3-4.5.6 and 8, The letter of St. James(3:16-4:3) and the Gospel of St. Mark chapter (9:30-37), respectively.


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