Amb. Jika inaugurates grassroots campaign council; assures Tinubu/Shettima victory in Taraba

Amb. Hassan Ardo Jika (left) presents appointment letters to the EXCO members

Amb. Jika inaugurates grassroots campaign council; assures Tinubu/Shettima victory in Taraba

Jethro Yerga, Jalingo

The coordinator of Tinubu/Shettima campaign council for Taraba, former Nigeria Ambassador in Trinida and Tobago, Alh Hassan Jika Ardo,Thursday, inaugurated Tinibu/Shettima Independent Campaign Council for Taraba state and assured Tarabans that the next president of Nigeria is Asiwaju Bola Tinubu with his vice, Ahmed Shetima

The inaugural ceremony which was attended by big wigs of the All Progressives Congress (APC) including former senators of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, was held at Millennium Hotel, Jalingo.

Addressing the mammoth crowd that turned up for the event, Amb Jika Ardo assured that by the grace of God, the Campaign Council would deliver Taraba unfailingly to Tinubu/Shetima comes 2023

A cross section of guests at the high table at the event

He stressed that with the support of the calibre of people in the council, PDP members should take their eyes off Taraba State, adding that the team comprised of master planners who had been in the game of politics of Taraba State for years.

Amb. Jika noted that he was not unaware of the enormity of the responsibility vested on him and the council but he, alongside his team had already done it all as they had mapped up plans and strategies to carry out massive sensitization and mobilization for the people to come out and participate actively in the general elections.

He expressed joy that he was vindicated for his constant attack on the ruling PDP and the then candidate of the party, His Excellency Arc Darius Dickson Ishaku whom he said had taken the state backward during his reign as the Executive Governor of Taraba state.

He said he had told the good people of the state not to vote for the ruling PDP in the state but nobody listened to him.

“I told my people in 2015 that Ishaku had nothing to offer if he was elected as the governor of the state. I advised Tarabans not to vote for him but nobody listened to me. Now look at how poor Taraba state is”. He stated.

Jika who expressed satisfaction with the turn up of the party loyalist at the event, appealed to all the other big wigs of APC in the state to sheath their sword and come together as a one indivisible family so that they would form a formidable force that would humble the ruling PDP in the state.

A cross section of guests who turned up for the event

He assured the newly inaugurated EXCO that despite the limited time and resources, they should have confidence in his leadership and be optimistic that with unity, support and and cooperation, their victory would be inevitable

The deputy national coordinator of the council, Alhaji Umar Ibrahim, added that the council was part of the strategies to ensure that the party wins the elections at all levels in the country without hitches.

Earlier, the state chairman of the party, Alhaji Ibrahim Tukur El-sudi, described Alhaji Hassan Jika Ardo as a round peg in a round hole. He noted that with the inauguration, APC would not only take over Taraba and Nigeria in the next general election, but it would send PDP packing completely in most part of the country.


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