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World Civil Defence Day: NSCDC Taraba Command Inducts 50 new intakes

The commandant, NSCDC, Taraba State Command, Adamu Salihu salutes the parade at the occasion

World Civil Defence Day: NSCDC Taraba Command Inducts 50 new intakes

Jethro Yerga, Jalingo

As part of activities marking the 2024 World Civil Defence Day, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has inducted 50 new intakes in Taraba State

At a special ceremony organized by the Taraba State Command of the NSCDC in Jalingo to commemorate the annual day, the Commandant, NSCDC Taraba State Command, Adamu Salihu, charged officers of the corp to rise above all obstacles to free the state from the shackles of insecurity

The commandant who congratulated the newly inducted officers who had been on training for the past five months, charged them to be aware that the road ahead of them is filled with challenges that would test their resolve as humans, test their skills as officers and challenge their character and discipline.

Barr Gibon Kataps, representative of Governor Agbu Kefas inspect parade at the occasion

“The State is currently grappling with security challenges ranging from kidnapping, armed robbery, banditry, communal clashes, farmers/herders conflicts and other vices. You must be ready at all times to contribute your quota in addressing these challenges

“You must rise above all these challenges to prove yourselves worthy of this uniform you now wear and the training you have received

“I urge you to show discipline and dedication in your general conduct as this is the standard the Corps is known for. You must shun corruption and adhere to the rules of engagement in all the operations you will be engaged in.

“The Corps does not tolerate accidental discharge. Therefore, any officer found guilty of this offence will be expressly dealt with according to our extant laws”. He stressed

While harping on the importance of the World Civil Defense Day, the Commandant noted that every 1st day of March was slated for World Civil Defense Day to remind people of the need to stay safe during emergencies like accidents and disasters and to honour and celebrates those who work in civil protection as well as encouraged more people to know about safety measures

He emphasized that the theme of this year, “Honour Heroes and Promote Safety Skills” could not have come at the better time than now when the world is struggling with monumental disasters and emergencies arising from natural disasters in Turkey, Japan and other countries as well as the outcome of war in Gaza and Ukraine

Officers in a Stripling and assembling competition at the occasion

“The global celebration this year spotlights both brave men and women who protect our communities during disasters as well as importance of widespread first aid training and emergency preparedness

“Civil Defence heroes who have died in the course of carrying out their duty often do not get enough recognition like their counterparts in the military

“This year’s celebration is dedicated specially to celebrate and thank them for the sacrifices they have made and to also remember those who have died in the line of duty”. He added

The commandant lauded the unflinching support of the Taraba State Government under the leadership of Dr. Agbu Kefas to the NSCDC Taraba State Command towards fighting insecurity in the state

“It will interest you to know that the Governor has refurbished Ten of our old operational vans and has recently donated eleven new ones to ease our mobility and increase our operational capability. This is a gesture that has never been witnessed in any State Command nationwide

“He also provided us with all the financial assistance needed when newly inducted officers went for their shooting range exercise”. He added

Adamu further appreciated the Federal Government and the Commandant General, Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, mni (OFR) for making it possible for the corp to have addition of young officers, saying that their enlistment would go a long way in boosting the manpower of the Command

The Executive Governor of Taraba State, Dr Agbu Kefas who was represented by the Secretary to the Government of the State SGS, Barr. Gibon Timothy Kataps appreciated the commitment and dedication of NSCDC, Taraba State Command, towards maintaining peace and order in the state and pledged that his administration would continue to support the Command at all times to ensure that they stop at nothing towards fighting criminality in the state

Barr Gibon Kataps, representative of Governor Agbu Kefas on his speech at the occasion

Barr. Gibon Timothy Kataps further presented a sum of 10,000 naira each to the newly inducted officers

Recall that International Civil Defence Organisation (ICDO), created by the United Nations in 1950, proclaimed March 1st as World Civil Defence Day in 1990 to reflect on the crucial role of civil defence organisations in safeguarding the safety and well-being of civilians

In Taraba State, the 2024 edition of the special day was attended by all service commanders, parents, friends and well wishers of the graduands. The occasion featured several activities including display of Unarmed Combat, stripling and assembling competitions among others.

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